The information you find here is meant to be helpful to non facilities management professionals, and is geared toward moving and reconfiguring systems furniture and case goods.
We are starting this page with suggestions from our Project Managers based on their experience with moves and reconfigurations, and will be adding to the list as we go. If you would like to share any valuable lessons you have learned along the way, please send them to info@re-form.com and we will add them to our list.
Narrow down the list of decision-makers in your organization and expect consensus from them. Designate a move leader and a move team. Democracy is a good thing, but a little goes a long way in an office move.
Make sure your vendors communicate all their lead times and installation dates, and be sure each vendor knows all critical dates. Distribute vendor and client contact information and schedules to everyone involved. Progress meetings are helpful. Communication is invaluable.
Use your move as an opportunity to standardize furniture types and finishes. See our comments on refurbishing or replacing to see whether to keep items or to discard them.
If you are keeping large pieces of furniture, make sure they will fit through doorways and into elevators in your new space. Arrange for specialty movers for large furniture or equipment.
Reserve the loading facilities and elevators for your move day. Find out if any special building requirements exist (e.g., Masonite for floors, special security conditions, freight elevator access, time restrictions, etc.). If your new property manager requires them, make sure you get certificates of insurance from all vendors before the move.
Round up keys to files, pedestal drawers and overheads. Label them and make copies (some keys are hard to replace). Keep a copy of the floor plan marked up with key numbers.
Renting crates and packaging equipment can sometimes be better than buying boxes. The crates and dollies are sturdy and offer better protection than boxes, the environmental impact is less, and employees are forced to unpack sooner, as crates have to be returned.
Be sure to label everything you move with the room number and location of its destination. Tape a copy this layout of every office on the door so movers know where to place things.
Have move team members at both locations during the move.
Be certain that everyone knows to empty work stations completely the day before furniture is disassembled and moved.
Tape cords and cables to equipment to prevent loss instead of disconnecting them.
Make a “welcome packet” for people moving into systems furniture work stations. Include information about not plugging space heaters, laser printers, coffee pots etc., into the base power receptacles, and spell out which circuit is for computers.
Load files from the bottom up to keep them from toppling over.
Be sure to schedule a walk-through with all vendors as soon as their work is completed to address punch items.